Первоначально термомасляные установки строились исключительно для передачи тепла в промышленных целях. В течение нескольких лет термомасляные системы также использовались вместе с модулями ORC, которые генерируют электроэнергию и централизованное теплоснабжение.
Термомасляные системы имеют ряд преимуществ перед паровыми котлами:
Они работают при низком давлении
Термомасло остается жидким при всех допустимых температурах – в зависимости от типа примерно до 315°C.
Они менее требовательны к обслуживанию
Вам не нужен сертифицированный котельщик для работы
Мы поставляем термомасляные нагреватели мощностью около 5 МВт и комбинируем их с нашими различными гибкими системами сжигания Kablitz.
Мы рады поставить полную технологию для ТЭЦ: от хранилища топлива до дымохода, в т.ч. Производство электроэнергии и теплоснабжение – с учетом ваших потребностей.
Благодаря нашему ноу-хау, мы являемся одной из немногих компаний в мире, которые также могут предложить термомасляные котлы со сжиганием отходов.
эталонные растения

Technical Data Volos | Heißgaserzeuger mit Restholzfeuerung | ||
Fuel: | Olive residues, cotton residues, sunflower husks | Firing capacity granulate nozzles: | 10,0 MW |
Calorific value range: | 3,19 - 4,86 kWh/kg | ||
Annual fuel throughput: | approx. 40,000 t | Thermal oil output: | 18,8 MW |
Firing capacity | 21,0 MW | Thermal oil flow tempe- rature: | 315 °C |
reciprocating grate: | Waste gas temperature: | 250 °C | |
Commissioning: | 2019 |
The combustion system was designed for a variety of agricultural fuels, which means that the plant is well prepared for possible fuel changes in the future. Also helpful for the flexibility of the multifuel plant are the two granulate nozzles with a combined total firing capacity of 10.0 MW, which make it possible to inject and burn the fines of the fuels separately above the grate firing. This prevents the accumulation of dust in the fuel feed and thus significant- ly reduces the risk of dust explosions. At the same time, the granulate nozzles enable shorter reaction times in the event of load changes.
The thermal oil-powered ORC module delivers 5.0 MW of electrical power, which is fed into the local grid. It is not typical for an ORC system that it does not have a heat consumer and is therefore used exclusively for power generation. Nevertheless, Kablitz has managed to build an economical and above all durable and flexible plant.

Technical Data Menznau | Heißgaserzeuger mit Restholzfeuerung | ||
Fuel: | Waste production wood, dust, granulate | Thermal oil output: | 25,0 MW |
Calorific value range: | 1,7 - 5,1 kWh/kg | Feed temperature: | 285 °C |
Annual fuel throughput: | approx. 250,000 t | Return temperature: | 255 °C |
Firing capacity: | Reciprocating grate: 40.0 MW | Commissioning: | 2009 |
Dust burner: 25.0 MW | |||
Granulate nozzles: 2 x 6.0 MW |
The system consists of a solids-fired hot gas generator, followed by a thermal oil heater in membrane wall construction, which is strongly reminiscent of a water tube boiler. In the ceiling of the first heater pass is a vertical dust burner which can burn production-related residual materials and optimally cover power peaks.
In the event that the Power generation will be realized via a steam turbine in the future, both the furnace and the thermal oil heater are designed to provide additional energy and heating surfaces for steam generation.

Technical Data Smorgon | Heißgaserzeuger mit Restholzfeuerung | ||
Fuel: | Bark, wood chips, produc- tion wastes wood dust and granulate | Thermal oil output: | 25,0 MW |
Calorific value range: | 1,80 - 2,92 kWh/kg | Thermal oil flow temperature: | 38,0 MW |
Annual fuel throughput: | approx. 195,000 t | ||
Firing capacity: | Reciprocating grate: 42.0 MW 16.0 MW (2 x 8.0 MW dust/ granulate nozzles) | Hot gas temperature / Waste gas temperature: | 190 °C |
Firing capacity installed: | 58.0 MW | Hot water economiser: | 8,5 MW |
Commissioning: | 2019 |
thermal oil heater and hot water economiser
The system consists of a solid-fuelled thermal oil boiler, whereby the radiation part consists of a membrane wall construction and the convection part of meander-shaped registers. After the combustion process, the flue gases are passed through the thermal oil boiler, where the thermal oil is heated to supply heating to the press and other consumers. With a downstream hot water economiser, the residual heat after the boiler is used as process heat before the flue gases go into the flue gas cleaning system and finally into the chimney.
The new energy centre reliably supplies production around the clock. The modern firing control system automatically adapts the firing capacity to the production requirements so that unwanted fluctuations in output and downtimes are avoided. The combination of grate and dust/granulate firing enables power peaks to be covered quickly and optimally and production-related residual materials to be converted into energy in an environmentally friendly manner, which also significantly improves the CO2 balance.

Technical Data Incheon | Heißgaserzeuger mit Restholzfeuerung | ||
Fuel: | A I - A IV wood waste | Steam output: | 64,0 t/h |
Calorific value range: | 2,9 - 5,2 kWh/kg | Steam temperature: | 425 °C |
Annual fuel throughput: | ca. 140.000 t | Steam pressure: | 64 bar (a) |
Firing capacity: | 38.4 MW Water-cooled reciprocating grate 715 | Feed water temperature: | 143 °C |
Dust/granulate nozzles: | 16,0 MW | Thermal oil capacity: | 7,2 MW |
Electrical power: | 9,9 MW | Thermal oil supply: | 290°C |
Process steam offtake: | 24,0 MW | Thermal oil return: | 245°C |
Commissioning: | 2019 |
Another special feature of this plant is the watercooled feed grate type 715, which is used due to the very high calorific value of the waste wood.
Kablitz supplied an extremely flexible system. The custo- mer can burn his various production wastes either via the water-cooled grate or the dust/granulate nozzles. The steam boiler supplies live steam for a turbine for energy generation and process heat and the thermal oil boiler supplies thermal energy to two MDF presses via a 300 m long ring line. The customer generates environmentally friendly energy through the energetic utilisation of the residual materials from production. He can produce steam for his power generation as well as hot thermal oil with only one plant, thereby reducing his dependence on oil.
The combination of grate firing and dust/granulate nozzles allows a quick adjustment of the output to fluctuations of the heat consumers.